BABY ON BOARD Charlotte Duckworth BABY ON BOARD Charlotte Duckworth

These made me cry

12492050_483070265210951_5180922735323343204_o Just had to do a quick blog post about the wonderful Anna Lewis and her artwork - I stumbled across her on Instagram and every single one of her beautiful drawings resonated with me. Most of them had me sniffing in tears. They absolutely sum up what motherhood is like, and I feel like buying and framing them all (except that would be quite weird and I'd probably cry everytime I looked at them, which might make getting things done around the house difficult).




My absolute favourite is this one below and I'll be ordering it for sure - it's so simple, so poignant, so damn TRUE and I just love it. Check her out on Etsy, Facebook and Twitter. And grab some tissues first. Sniff.il_570xN.899008951_qwkb


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